List of reported UFO sightings, UFO and Aliens Incident on Earth

List of reported UFO sightings, UFO and Aliens Incident on Earth

List of reported UFO sightings, UFO and Aliens Incident on Earth

There have been numerous reported UFO sightings and alleged UFO and aliens incidents on Earth throughout history. Here is a list of some of the most notable ones up to that time:

  1. Roswell Incident (1947): One of the most famous UFO incidents. A UFO reportedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, and the U.S. military initially stated it was a “flying disc.” The official explanation later changed to a weather balloon, sparking conspiracy theories about a cover-up.
  2. Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980): Also known as “Britain’s Roswell,” it occurred near a U.S. airbase in Suffolk, England. Multiple U.S. military personnel claimed to have witnessed strange lights and a triangular UFO in the forest.
  3. Phoenix Lights (1997): Thousands of witnesses reported seeing a series of lights in a V-shaped formation over Phoenix, Arizona. The event remains unexplained, with some attributing it to military flares, while others suggest extraterrestrial origins.
  4. Ariel School Incident (1994): In Ruwa, Zimbabwe, over 60 schoolchildren claimed to have seen a UFO and small beings with large eyes near their school. The incident gained international attention.
  5. Belgian UFO Wave (1989-1990): A series of triangular UFO sightings were reported across Belgium, witnessed by thousands, including military personnel and police officers.
  6. McMinnville UFO Photographs (1950): Paul Trent captured two photographs of a flying saucer-like object over his farm in McMinnville, Oregon. These photos are among the most famous and debated UFO images in history.
  7. Varginha Incident (1996): In Varginha, Brazil, several witnesses reported seeing strange creatures resembling aliens, leading to speculation about a UFO crash and government cover-up.
  8. Westall UFO Incident (1966): Over 200 witnesses, including students and teachers, reported seeing a silver disc-shaped object flying over Westall High School in Australia.
  9. Shag Harbour Incident (1967): In Nova Scotia, Canada, witnesses reported a UFO crashing into the waters of Shag Harbour. The Canadian government conducted investigations but found no conclusive explanation.
  10. Washington D.C. UFO Incident (1952): Multiple UFO sightings were reported over the nation’s capital, leading to widespread media coverage and an official investigation by the U.S. Air Force.
  11. Travis Walton Abduction (1975): Travis Walton claimed to have been abducted by a UFO while working with a logging crew in Arizona. His story inspired the movie “Fire in the Sky.”

It’s important to note that many of these incidents have alternative explanations or remain unverified, and the UFO community is often divided over their credibility. Since my information is up to September 2021, there might have been more reported UFO sightings and incidents in the time since then. I recommend checking more recent sources for updates on the subject.

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